Final studying strategies
Finals are coming up this Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 23- 24. Here are some useful strategies to stay on top of your schoolwork and succeed for first quarter.
Create your own study guide. By creating your own study guide, you’re re-teaching yourself the information and making a useful study tool you can use over and over.
Attend review sessions. Many teachers hold study sessions before or after school, and there are also PRIDE times on Monday and Tuesday this week, perfect for getting any last minute questions answered.
Take breaks. While studying, creating incentives for yourself is a great study strategy to keep yourself motivated. A good starting point might be giving yourself a ten-minute break after each chapter you study.
Stay well-rested. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep the night before finals will help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to focus. Eating a big and healthy breakfast will also help keep you focused on testing, instead of only thinking about what you’re eating for lunch.
Follow these tips, and you will surely increase your chances of success during finals.