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Teen dating abuse often ignored

February is Teen Dating Awareness month, and teens are encouraged to educate themselves and talk about abusive relationships and consent.

On average, one in three teens is a victim of abuse from a partner, but only 33 percent of teens report being in an abusive relationship. Types of abuse include mental/emotional, physical, sexual, and verbal.

Ten signs of an abusive relationship:

  1. Possessiveness

  2. Excessive jealousy

  3. Constant blame

  4. Threats—threats of violence against partner, threats of suicide if partner leaves

  5. Physical and sexual violence—sexual advances without consent

  6. Controlling behavior

  7. Refusal to communicate

  8. Withdrawal of affection

  9. Isolating partner from friends and family

  10. Guilt-tripping

Because of the fear surrounding the topic, many teens are not aware of problems in dating and, all too often, do not report abuse in their relationships. Teens can get involved in spreading awareness by helping those who report being stuck in abuse, encouraging consent, creating a PSA on social media and talking openly about the problem.

More information can be found on these websites.


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