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An odd year for seniors

The class of 2020 had a few big events that got cancelled making their senior year come to a sad end; however, the class of 2021 goes into the year accustomed to the traditions being cancelled. The only certainty is that everyday life will not be normal.

“I am most disappointed because it doesn't feel like senior year, it is not like the other years,” Lydia Bloome said.

As the class of 2021 grasps for normalcy, some senior athletes are concerned about the probability of their final season being cut short or even cancelled.

Luke Carrol has been looking forward to his senior baseball season since he was young; he is worried that he will not be able to play his final season. Many other athletes have been disappointed about how their seasons have been cut short and how much even practicing has changed.

“Wearing a mask is definitely difficult, there is a lot more thought of sanitizing than finishing a practice out strong,” Annie Stotlar said.

Some traditions that many seniors have partaken in the past have drastically changed, specifically homecoming week. From spirit week to the dance this year has brought many changes. Their hybrid schedule made it difficult for people to participate in spirit week.

“It is weird because dress up days are my favorite and I was only here for two of the days,” Samantha Foht said.

In addition to homecoming week, the traditional homecoming dance was changed to a drive-in movie.

The music department also has many changes that affect their practices, concerts, competitions and even day to day classes.

Hannah Wilson explained that she looks forward to competition season for show choir every year, but they do not know if the season will look the same. Competition season brings joy to many members of show choir and the possibility of not having a season changes the atmosphere.

With all the changes to the school year, planning for the future is one thing that has not changed. The class of 2021 still has bright futures ahead, and overall, the senior class is excited for the next phases of their lives, and looks forward to the rest of the school year.


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