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Despite COVID-19, Students still able to continue holiday traditions

By Laurel Wade

Considering the major changes that have occurred this year, it seems fitting that the holiday season should shift as well. Many students experienced changes in traditions because of COVID-19. For many, activities such as caroling, ice skating, travelling and seeing family were cancelled for the most part. A great deal of relatives opted to stay home for the season causing most students to spend the holidays with only their immediate family members.

Despite drastic changes, students were still able to eat food they would traditionally have in a normal year. While some choose the traditional menu of turkey and ham, others opt for non-traditional options such as lasagna, steak, or crab legs.

Another similarity between holiday seasons is the enjoyment of favorite holiday movies. Top favorites include “Elf,” “Home Alone,” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

Laurel is a senior. This is her second year as a member of "The Growl,"

and her first year as editor.



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