Surround Sound reflects on relentless season
By Chaz Nomura
Bettendorf High School’s Show Choir Surround Sound recently finished their 10th consecutive season and has welcomed students with open arms and supported them during the season’s highs and lows.
“Everyone is very supportive and seems very passionate about what they do,” said sophomore Kyleigh Meier. “Everyone has respect for what everyone does whether you’re crew, combo or a singer/dancer.”
Surround Sound was formed in 2010 and began competing in 2012. During those two years, they held showcases in their auditorium and have shown their expertise in their diligence and comradery for the past 10 years.
For the last eight months, Surround Sound members have devoted their time and energy to a show that they performed for cities as far as La Crosse, Wisconsin. In addition, students have seen Surround Sound as a place to enjoy with their friends, both old and new, and share inside jokes with one another. Junior Hannah Hunsaker loves to see the students make friendships in and out of Surround Sound and recognizes the love and support everyone has for each other.
“We feed off of each other’s energy and help each other,” said Hunsaker. “We all have fun together and that makes us want to work together.”
Amid COVID, Surround Sound members have stayed with each other through thick and thin, welcoming a new group of students and directors. Senior Kabedi Mutamba has been impressed by the connections the students and directors have made and how they’ve banded together through adversity.
“We are relentless and continue to strive for improvement,” said Mutamba. “We are competitive not to beat other groups but to beat our past performances.”
Surround Sound has given students a chance to put everything on the table and face their fears by trying something exciting. In addition, it allows students to have a safe space and a new community, bringing out their passion to perform. Senior Payton Gagne has recognized this passion and determination and has loved to see herself and others improve.
“I’ve grown so much the past 3 years and I can thank Surround Sound for being an outlet for being yourself and the best version you can be,” said Gagne.
Surround Sound is a community that welcomes many people from different walks of life and has helped people find themselves and create meaningful relationships. Senior Tyler Koch appreciates the support everyone gives and hopes more students will join in the future.
“It’s such a unique community and I just hope that enough people will have the desire to join and stay in Surround Sound,” said Koch.
Chaz Nomura is a sophomore.
This is his first year as a contributing writer
for The Growl.