Teacher spotlight: Molly Mitola
By Ariel Adame
Position: Language Arts Teacher
Specialty: Composition and English 10
Professional credentials: Bachelor of Arts in English
Education, University of Iowa
License: Language Arts Grades 5-12
Greatest accomplishment: “Taking care of my younger sister,
Greatest passion: Facilitating learning
Private passion: My family
Nobody knows I’m…. “A huge geek...I love biology and am in a lot of weird niche Facebook groups like ‘Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends’ and ‘Entomology.’”
I've never been able to… “Build an interest in math or sports.”
I'd give anything to meet: “Ray Bradbury - he’s my favorite author.”
This year I am most excited about: “Having a successful first year at Bettendorf.”
Favorite quote "Life is trying things to see if they work." - Ray Bradbury
Ariel Adame is a junior. This is her first year
as a staff writer for The Growl.