Blood saves lives
More than 80 units of blood were collected on Feb. 11 in efforts to save as many people as possible. Over 100 people tried to donate, 26 of whom donated for the first time.
Applicants for donation must be at least 16 years old with a parent consent form that will need to be filled out each time they donate until they turn 17. Donors are also only allowed to donate once every eight weeks. Bettendorf High School has one more opportunity to donate in the 2019-2020 school year, May 5, 2020.
The next blood drive will be May 5 during third block, PRIDE, and fourth block. Not only high school students, but also family members, friends and others in the area are able to donate. In order to donate, the donor must be in good health and have eaten at least two meals. It is important to stay hydrated in the days leading up to a donation and after a donation.
Spencer Mesick gives blood.